Wednesday, July 22, 2015

First Glimpse at Pluto Reveals Hiding Place of El Chapo

Scientists observing  the surface of  pluto were bamboozled to discover ,  El Chapo ,  the notorious prisoner recently escaped from a high security prison in mexico, yelling at some Ice gremlin workers who were taking too much time sorting out a Nitrogen ice crystal shipment during a smuggling operation.

“It was him,” said a befuddled Nasa researcher speaking on condition of anonymity because he occasionally eats Mexican food. “Well the igloo flying the mexican flag was the first sign. Then we saw him and thought he looked familiar so we checked with the mexican government and they said it was him. I mean he had actually had the prison track suit on with his prisoner number and all.

Scientists were surprised to find the criminal alive and well. It is thought he was using yeti mules to get his shipments to Jupiter, has hired  a platoon of ice gremlins offering them long hours for piss poor pay and he has set up an igloo construction company as a front through which he can launder the money  which he has gotten from trading minerals.  

Reached using  a specially made state of the art gadget developed by Nasa called a transistor radio, El chapo was able to explain his new foray into interstellar drugs.

He tells members of the Cat’s Pyjmas newspaper that he has discovered a whole new set of drugs, a

"You see this?"He says holding up some Nitrogen Ice Crystals.
You look at this sideways for long enough and you get high.
Asked if there were any side effects to consuming Nitrogen ice crystals El chapo replied,
“Well you die.”
Asked about a second item in his product line he explained:
“You rub it across your forehead and you will get the most extraordinary high you get tis side of cocaine. And then you die.”
For a third product in his line of new drugs he was more succinct:
“You die.”

This has not stopped the orders from coming in. He has already  and a number of figures from key west African states are already open to funneling his ice crystals into their countries if he can find a way to transport it unharmed all the four billion miles from pluto to west Africa unhindered.
 “It’s amazing what you can get done without police,” says an elated El chapo. “I mean the only thing out here that is an obstacle is my conscience.”

It would appear El Chapo has expansion plans for his operations on Pluto including expansion of his Nitrogen ice smuggling operation into Jupiter and Neptune and opening a signature line of squalid night club on uranus.He also has plans for a tourist attraction on mars:a depiction of a line of Cocaine line made of bunched up ice crystals stacked two miles high  and visible from space.

  “Outer space is where it’s at. I thought I was expanding our offerings when I was on earth but I wasn’t thinking big enough.”

According to El Chapo he arrived on Pluto by accident after a mistake by one of his assistants.  “Things looked pretty grim in terms of getting out of prison so we decided to do something radical and new and we entrusted the escaping to this young american inventor who said he had invented a dimensional travel portal- as a joke. Well turns out it worked. But rather than finding myself in a five star resort where three billion in cash, three miss worlds and forty five women were waiting for me, I ended up here on this s**t hole. I nearly threw a fit.  Dios Mios. I was ready to Vencer a una pulgada de su vida that boy ASAP."

The government of mexico has begun extradition proceedings for el chapo and  FBI agents contacted have let it be known that they have covertly sent an agent out in order to capture the fugitive. They're expecting to benefit from an element of surprise , eighty or so years from now.

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