Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lochness monster drawn into Nicki Minaj- Taylor Swift feud after diss from Cthulhu. Devil distances himself from popstars. Denies Nicki minaj feud a plot he orchestrated to signal the start of the end of the world

The Nicki Minaj – Taylor swift twitter feud just had a startling new development as the Lochness monster got out of it’s hiding long enough to tweet a response to the Cthulhu while on vacationing in a lake in a west African country.

“Sorry for my late reply … slow internet out here in africa so i only saw the post  OIA…” referencing the common expression,‘Only in Africa.’

“It has come to my attention that the chewbaka has mentioned me in a tweet reference about the whole nicki minaj feud…… F&*$# Cthulhu. When I see you we gon’ sort this out,#itsgoingdown#mythicalbeatdown#ohnohedidnt#underwaterssmackdown#Udontknowmelikethatplaya- Lochness (@Lochnessprettyglitter432) July 23 , 2015” replied a distraught Nessie.

The offending tweet was sent by Chebaka yesterday july 19th at midnight:

“Haha not the only person to be insecure about not having a slim body type@Lochnessprettyglitter432 RT’If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies , you will be nominated for vid of the year’- Cthulhu (@fearthedarkdepths85), July 21, 2015”

This is the latest in the growing feud which has embroiled many members of the world both real and imaginary.

Only one day ago , the tooth fairy complained on twitter after she claimed she had been sneak-dissed by Santa Claus.
“We’ll see how funny it is when my fairies catch you in a dark corner of the northpole and snatch your leather boots. ”
She also claimed that santa claus beard was fake, that he was actually nepalese and that he did not read the letters sent to him by children himself.
Santa claus has said he is planning to sue.

Certain experts have been fearing that  the twitter feud may spark world war 3.
 "It is moments of turmoil and panic like these where dangerous leaders rise up and seiz power and sink the world into despair. 

The nicki minaj and taylor swift row has already caused feuds between world leaders  which experts say could degenerate and cause untold problems.
“Well apparently the Pakistani leader is a fan of Taylor swift and the Indian leader was famously kicked out of his house over night after his wife caught him saying sweet nothings to a taylor swift doll while he was hidden in the toilet. So you can only imagine what it could mean for Pakistan- India affairs,” Said a distressed expert at the Brookings Institute.  

Although the internet beef has seemingly been squashed, many suggest the animosity stil remains and there are many twitter belligerents who caught onto the beef late , and who by God are going to get a piece of the action are not going to let such an opportunity to insult and brag and moan and throw shade at people from the safety of their anonymity , hiding behind a screen. in their rooms behind a screen.  
The devil meanwhile has distanced himself from the ongoing controversy saying he has no part to play in it.

“I’ve got my hands full with Syria right now, and as much as I would like to claim credit from the ongoing events I must refuse.  I thank my well wishers though for asking about me and for their continued support. I will be throwing mad evil vibes and years of badluck in your direction shortly, just as soon as I get another one of these chumps to bomb this Christian city real quick.”
Asked about the prospect that it is secretly a plan he hatched meant to herald the end of the world , the Man Downstairs chortled, and then said,

“No not at all I think It has more to do with the stupidity of western media and the paranoid nature of the public which tends to blow things out of proportion and give airtime to something as trivial as a digital spat. I feel sorry for sensible people and causes , which have been robbed of the spotlight in exchange for this nonsense but who am I to talk? I am the master of entropy after all.”

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