Wednesday, July 22, 2015

First Glimpse of Pluto Reveals MH350
Space shuttle taking pictures of pluto reveals MH350 passengers skiing down eleven thousand foot ice mountains.

Researchers at the nasa were shocked to find the entire crew enjoying coconut flavoured smoothies as they jetted their way down the surprisingly great ski slopes provided by the barren planet.

It should be a crime to have such pristine slopes. I would take a life of twenty four hour ski-ing over my nine to five job , anyday. I mean look at those slopes. All they need is a nutrigrain wholegrain food dispenser and I’m sold. 

Looks better than most of the stuff I see in the French alps. And it’s free.

More than anything we are surprised by the level of their ingenuity. With no tools and absolutely no technology at their disposal they managed to create a a snowgun, and custom fitted skis.
The passengers asked if they wanted to return to earth were emphatic.

“And do what? I was an elderly assistant in my home country. I was wiping old people’s butts. And now I get to ski every single day. I’m not going back.I mean sure I miss the x factor and there is no full English breakfast but then there are perfectly formed blue snowflakes here…” Replied a young british passenger.

Another passenger when asked the same question replied simply ,“I’m greek..” to sympathetic sighs from the rest of the passengers.

Puzzling though is how the passengers have been getting their food. Scientists have been unable to determine, sources of food. It’s way to cold for most things to live, and there is no vegetation.

“Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they are down to a hundred and fifty out of three hundred and sixty five now. I did see them all collectively eye the hobbling old phillipino lady with keen culinary interest, now that I think about it. And they did seem awfully keen for us to come down close, and I’m not sure why they were all wearing napkins tied around their necks.”

They have however been able to construct an economy out of nothing though. Capitalist ways die hard,as they say. They make and exchange things using snowflakes as currency.

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